
Friday, May 8, 2009

The ultimacy in having pets.

After exactly one month shifting under a new roof called home, on a very scorching Friday, 11.08.2006, this very cute and little lost doodler wondering around the bushes near the house. A very precious gift in thought, i carried him with full of love. Baira is the name we gave him. Till that very moment, he became a part of our family adding the number of members to become seven. Since small, we have treated him as a human being until we don't feel the different between human and animal. Having the first animal pet in the family, we learned a lot new ways and things on how to take care and treat the animals, knowing what it pursuits whether to tell us that he is hungry, scared of rain or thunder, sleepy and etc etc etc.
As a personal advice, animals are unpredictable and they easily be loyal and have love on the person who taking good care on them. Baira proved it when it all happened in an unforgettable bright evening. We let Baira behind the house just to sniff around the back of the house. Such a bad day when there is another dog, twice as big Baira's size, a Pomeranian had a fight with this one and five month old Baira. My sister who were in the scene, having no choice than separating them, had a big flesh tore on her right leg and Baira had several scratches and bites on his legs and his back. We rushed to the clinic to have the medication on my sister to prevent any infection from the ''disaster''. It took nearly one month for her to walk without the aid of us. From that incident, Baira reacts very fiercely whenever he saw that fat, brown-furred dog.

Dogs are naturally a good guarding canine animals. Having them at home gives not only protection for us but also as a companian for us to express love on them or even tell secrets and share troubles that we are having even though they can't help us to solve any of the problems. For us, not only as a pet but Baira is also one of the child for my parents and a four leg with a tail at the back little brother in the family. Maybe for those who read this post won't feel the precious on having a dog. For that reason, I would encourage you guys to watch a movie titled Marley and Me. This movie will tell you the love the owner has on the pet and the loyalty the dog has on his master. A little similar to my dog's character and behavior.

As a conclusion, I would like to take this oppurtunity to say that I love my dog very much and words can't express those feelings. You have to feel and experience yourself to know it.For those who read this, I would like to stress here to all human out there, be an animal lover and don't ever treat them like a dead thing.